Using Erlang and Elixir for Serverless Computing in the Cloud

Are you tired of traditional server-based computing? Are you constantly looking for a new and more efficient way to handle your computing needs? Then you should look no further than Erlang and Elixir for your serverless computing in the cloud!

This dynamic duo has been revolutionizing the cloud since their creation, with their lightweight architecture and incredible speed. Read on to find out more about Erlang and Elixir for serverless computing in the cloud, and how you can start using them today for your business.

What is Serverless Computing?

Before we dive into the specifics of Erlang and Elixir, let's take a quick look at what serverless computing actually is. The term "serverless" is often used as a buzzword in the cloud computing industry, but what does it really mean?

Serverless computing is a method of running computer programs and services in the cloud, without the need for traditional server infrastructure. This means that the cloud provider manages the server for you, allowing you to focus on building and running your applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

In serverless computing, you only pay for what you use, making it a more scalable and cost-effective option for businesses of all sizes. It's also incredibly fast and efficient, with instant scaling and automatic resource allocation.

Why Use Erlang and Elixir for Serverless Computing in the Cloud?

Now that we understand what serverless computing is, let's talk about why you should use Erlang and Elixir for your serverless needs.

First and foremost, both Erlang and Elixir were built from the ground up to handle concurrent and distributed systems. This makes them a perfect fit for serverless computing in the cloud, where multiple instances of your application may be running at the same time.

Erlang, in particular, has been used for decades in telecom systems, where high availability and fault tolerance are critical. This makes it a great choice for serverless computing, where uptime is essential.

Elixir, on the other hand, is a relatively new language that was built on top of Erlang. It's gained popularity in recent years for its clean syntax and excellent tooling, making it a great choice for web applications and other services.

Additionally, both Erlang and Elixir have lightweight architectures, making them incredibly fast and efficient in serverless environments. They also have built-in support for distributed computing, making it easy to scale your application as needed.

Using Erlang and Elixir with Serverless Platforms

So, how do you actually use Erlang and Elixir for serverless computing in the cloud? There are a number of serverless platforms that support both languages, including AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Microsoft Azure Functions.

Using these platforms, you can easily deploy your Erlang or Elixir code as serverless functions, which can be triggered by events or run on a schedule. You only pay for the resources that are used during the execution of your function, making it a cost-effective and scalable option for your business.

Additionally, both languages have a number of libraries and frameworks available for serverless development, including Phoenix for Elixir and Cowboy for Erlang. These frameworks make it easy to build and deploy serverless applications with minimal boilerplate code.

Case Studies: Erlang and Elixir in Production

Don't just take our word for it – Erlang and Elixir are already being used in production by a number of companies. Here are a few case studies of companies using these languages for their serverless computing needs:


WhatsApp, the popular messaging app, was built entirely in Erlang. Its distributed architecture and fault-tolerant design have allowed it to handle billions of messages per day, making it one of the largest-scale Erlang applications in the world.

Bleacher Report

Sports media website Bleacher Report uses Elixir for its serverless computing needs. The language's efficient concurrency model and built-in support for distributed computing have allowed them to scale their application to handle millions of users.


Social media platform Pinterest has an Erlang-based system for handling their notifications. The language's fault-tolerant design and high availability have allowed them to maintain uptime, even during spikes in traffic.


If you're looking for a more efficient and scalable way to handle your computing needs, then Erlang and Elixir for serverless computing in the cloud are an excellent choice. Their lightweight architecture, efficient concurrency model, and built-in support for distributed computing make them perfect for the serverless environment. Plus, they're already being used in production by some of the biggest companies in the world, making them a proven choice for businesses of all sizes.

So why wait? Start exploring the power of Erlang and Elixir for serverless computing in the cloud today!

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